We Accept

We Accept

Payment Options

Our team at Barbour Orthopaedics are committed to giving as many people as possible access to the best orthopaedic care in Georgia, which is why we accept a wide variety of payment types. 

Health Insurance

Barbour Orthopaedics accepts most coverage from a number of popular private insurance providers, including: 
  • BCBS
  • Cigna
  • Aetna
  • United Healthcare
  • Humana
  • First Health
*Insurance companies under an “umbrella” of a major insurance may be subject to not be accepted. Please call our office for further verification.


Unfortunately, not all medical services are covered by insurance. This is especially true for any procedure that insurance companies deem to be elective or experimental in nature. There are also occasions where an insurance company may prefer their policy holders settle for an alternative, more affordable treatment option rather than the latest and best orthopaedic treatment options. For patients in this situation, we are more than happy to work on a self-pay solution for their orthopaedic treatments. 

Workers’ Compensation

In order for people who were injured at work to have their treatments paid for by their workers’ compensation policy, they often have to see an Authorized Treating Physician – one of a number of preselected medical experts certified to provide care for a workplace injury. 

If you are injured or are representing an injured party, there should be a list of authorized physicians, known as a Panel of Physicians, posted in the injured workers’ workplace. As one of the best orthopaedic surgery centers in the state of Georgia, we are among panel physicians for many local area employers, meaning we are pre-approved to provide treatment for people injured in workplace accidents. 

Georgia law allows injured workers to change their Authorized Treating Physician once during treatment for a workplace injury. If you’ve already seen an approved orthopaedic specialist but aren’t happy with their performance or you want a second opinion, and Barbour Orthopaedic is on your workplace’s panel of physicians, 
give us a call at (404) 596-5558.


CareCredit is like a credit card that can be used exclusively to finance medical care. CareCredit can be used to pay for procedures that your insurance may not cover. We are proud to accept CareCredit and would be happy to answer any questions you may have about CareCredit eligibility.

Med Pay

Attorney Liens and Letters of Protection 

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